La Fondazione Colliers agisce a sostegno delle fragilità nei territori in cui opera, tutelando il benessere, l’inclusione sociale ed economica delle comunità.
Promossa da Colliers Italia e Colliers Global Investors Italy SGR, Fondazione Colliers Ente del Terzo Settore è stata costituita per dare unità, coerenza e concretezza ai valori fondanti delle due società,favorendo la ricaduta sociale di iniziative e progetti.
Pensiamo a un mondo dove gli individui hanno accesso alle risorse e alle opportunità per vivere una vita sana e appagante. Un mondo dove le comunità sono unite da legami di fiducia e collaborazione. Un mondo dove l'ambiente è valorizzato e protetto per le generazioni future.
Promuoviamo il benessere della comunità dei territori nei quali operiamo, favorendo l’inclusione sociale e sostenendo lo sviluppo economico, creando valore per tutti i portatori di interesse.
Lavoriamo in con i membri della comunità, le organizzazioni locali, le aziende e le istituzioni locali per massimizzare l’impatto dei nostri progetti.
Siamo impegnati ad ascoltare le esigenze e le priorità delle comunità, a sviluppare soluzioni creative e adattabili ai contesti specifici di ogni comunità e a misurare il nostro impatto e valutare l'efficacia del nostro lavoro.
Siamo orgogliosi di mettere a disposizione il know-how delle società che ci sostengono per portare a compimento puntuali e concrete azioni a impatto sociale e ambientale positivo.
Lavoriamo in collaborazione con i membri della comunità, le organizzazioni locali, le aziende e le istituzioni locali per massimizzare l’impatto dei nostri progetti.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat deleniti temporibus porro consequatur ex quasi nemo aliquid dicta, odio dolor iusto illum sint praesentium ut asperiores sed, qui a quidem!
Giulia Longo
Giulia Longo has been Chief Operating Officer of Colliers Global Investors Italy SGR (formerly Antirion) since 2017, when she joined the company to coordinate the fund management team. She is also CEO of Colliers Italia. As a valuer she served clients like DeA Capital SGR, Investire SGR, Prelios SGR and Fabrica Immobiliare SGR, among others. She was strategic advisor for the valuation and optimization of the real estate portfolios of the Bank of Italy, Telecom Italia and ENEL. Giulia was previously General Manager of Colliers International Italia, where she coordinated the development and sale of properties on behalf of various local administrations and international clients in the private and public sectors. Before that, she was Project Manager and Valuation Support Specialist at Colliers Elitrade, where she handled market research, feasibility studies and the valuation of individual properties and real estate portfolios. Giulia began her career at Ernst&Young, handling the analysis, valuation and management of complex urban projects and real estate portfolios.
Massimiliano Bronzino
Vice CEO
Massimiliano Bronzino Cesario, lawyer and expert professional with over 12 years of experience in real estate, has been providing legal advisory services for Colliers Italia since 2009. He handles contractual relationships with clients and suppliers and compliance with corporate and administrative regulations. He provides legal services for real estate transactions as Legal Counsel, for both national and international deals.
Massimiliano Bronzino Cesario graduated in Law with honours from the University of Urbino Carlo Bo and specialised with a Master’s Degree in Real Estate Finance from the LUISS Business School in Rome.
Jean Howley
Jean joined Colliers in December 2022, as Chief Financial Officer for the EMEA region. Jean’s portfolio extends across more than 40 countries and includes strategic development as well as M&A activity as part of the EMEA’s Growth Strategy Plan.
Jean has over 30 years global experience. She is a results driven Finance, Commercial, Risk and Operational Leader. Jean began her career with EY where she qualified as a Chartered Accountant. She also holds a First in her MBA. Subsequent to her qualification, Jean spent 20 years in Senior Financial roles in the energy industry, working across eight international cities - within Chevron and privately owned energy giants SHV and MET Group ($30bn turnover entities). Within these organisations Jean led and doubled turnover of the respective trading floors and worked extensively on M&A. Jean has a strong track record of scaling businesses, M&A, IPO, systems implementation, transformation, streamlining, restructuring, and accelerating strategic and operational initiatives for clients within diverse industries.